SF Bay Area Seaport Plan
Identify potential areas of seaport expansion.
Port of Oakland, Seaport
Prepared by
Metropolitan Transportation Commission, San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission
Ensure the Port of Oakland stays competitive and contributes to the economy
Ensure there is room for expansion without the need to fill the Bay
How does it impact you?
Expansion will likely increase Port activities and movement of polluting sources around the Port.
As the Port of Oakland grows, the amount of cargo coming into the Port is expected to increase. In the Plan's projections, cargo was expected to double between 2002 and 2020, and the seaport was expected to be at or near capacity by 2050. The Plan discusses two ways to accommodate this growth: construct new terminals, or increase the rate and volume of cargo. The Howard Terminal in Oakland was previously chosen as an area of potential expansion for the Port.
Priority Use Areas
Source: The San Francisco Bay Area Seaport Plan
Ensure the continuation of the Port as a major port and contributor to economy
Maintain and improve environmental quality
Efficient use of physical and fiscal resources
Improve surface transport facilities between terminals/ports and other transport systems
Reserve shoreline areas for future growth in cargo to minimize the need for new Bay fill
Proposed Amendments, 2019
Update Seaport Plan
Include new projections for cargo
Include the effects of sea level rise
Include discussions on environmental justice and social equity
Remove Port Priority Use* designation from Howard Terminal in Oakland
*Port Priority Use Areas are areas "necessary for future port development" and "are reserved for port-related" uses